Community Health Assessment

Listening & Learning Together to Improve the Health of Our Community

In 2018, a collaborative of organizations, including hospitals, coordinated care organizations (CCOs), and public health departments, worked together to conduct a regional Community Health Assessment, or CHA, in Jackson and Josephine Counties. The All in for Health CHA was a yearlong process to collect, assess, and analyze information about the health of our community. This assessment helps guide planning and action to improve health in Jackson and Josephine Counties.

In addition to primary and secondary research, community members shared their perspectives through interviews, focus groups, public forums, and a community-wide health survey. 

Frequently-asked questions (FAQs)

What is a Community Health Assessment or CHA? This is a process to collect, assess, and analyze data about the health of the community. Some organizations, like hospitals, coordinated care organizations (CCOs), and public health departments, are required to conduct a CHA. The information collected can be used by many organizations across multiple sectors such as healthcare, education and human services to discuss and plan ways to improve the community’s health.

What is the purpose of the Community Health Assessment or CHA? The CHA gives us one guiding document about the health status of our community. It also defines our vision for what makes a community healthy. This creates a shared understanding of our community’s strengths, needs, and challenges. With this shared understanding, organizations and the community can work together to improve the community’s health.

What kinds of information about health does the CHA address? The CHA looks at issues like chronic disease, behavioral health, and access to care. In addition, we know that the circumstances in which people are born, grow up, live, learn, work and age directly shape health outcomes. These are known as the "social determinants of health". Physical function, emotional/mental health, housing and food security, safety, education, transportation, financial security/employment and cultural competency (ability to overcome language barriers) all impact health. The CHA explores all of these issues impacting a healthy community.

Is the Community Health Assessment report available to the public? Yes! The All in for Health CHA was completed in December 2018 and the final report was released in January 2019.

 Who can I contact if I would like more information about this project? The All in for Health CHA is a project of the Jefferson Regional Health Alliance and community partners; for more information, contact

What organizations were involved in organizing and funding the CHA?

  • Addictions Recovery Center
  • AllCare Health
  • Asante
  • Jackson Care Connect
  • Jackson County Health & Human Services – Public Health and Mental Health Divisions
  • Josephine County Public Health
  • La Clinica
  • OnTrack Rogue Valley
  • Options for Southern Oregon
  • Oregon Health Authority
  • OSU Extension Service
  • PrimaryHealth
  • Providence Health & Services
  • Rogue Community Health
  • Siskiyou Community Health Center

Special thanks to the William and Florence Schneider Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation

We heard you!

January 25, 2019

Through Focus Groups, Community Forums, a Community Survey and other activities, we learned a lot about the health issues and services that are important to the residents of Jackson and Josephine Counties. We also learned about many forces impacting health and healthcare access in our region.

The Community Health Assessment (CHA) led to the development of a Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) to address the priority health issues that were identified.

To access the full CHA Report or learn more about the Community Health Improvement Plan and access the full report, click below.

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2018 Community Health Assessment timeline


Jefferson Regional Health Alliance is a 501(c)(3) non-profit.

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